General Controls panel 138–139, 157
Get Info (File menu)
changing an icon 159
changing the amount of memory a
program uses 81
creating a stationery pad 126
information about files 127
locating the original of an alias 121
locking a file 110
turning off the Empty Trash warning 160
ghost images on screen 285
giving orders to your computer 32
displaying 135
highlight color or shade of gray 136–137
in the Label menu 140–141
grounding plug 2
grouping files with labels 128, 139
groups of users. See also registered users
access privileges 206–209
displaying 197–198
naming 197
program linking 214
removing from list of registered users 201
guest users. See also access privileges;
registered users
accessing files on shared disks 185, 186
denying access to 199–200
folder ownership 190, 191
program linking 211, 213
turning on guest access for file
sharing 193, 194, 195–196
hard disks
access privileges to 207
available for the Duo Dock 216
backing up files 111
compared with floppy disks 70
connecting an external drive to the Duo
MiniDock 242
connecting to a printer 178
damaged 113–115
in the Duo Dock 223
giving away ownership of 201–202
icon 43, 70
initializing 105–106
precautions 113
sharing 194–195
testing/repairing 114–116
transferring files 129
troubleshooting 16–17, 77, 290–291
using hard disk space as
memory 163–164
hard disk sleep 101–102
hardware development resources 273–274
health-related information and computer
use 21–25
Balloon Help 67–68
obtaining service and support 271–272
Help menu
Hide Balloons 68
Show Balloons 67, 168
Hide Balloons (Help menu) 68
Hide Others (Application menu) 80
hiding windows 80
high-density floppy disks 69, 70
erasing 108
initializing 107
with Apple File Exchange 302
not recognized by another disk drive 291
highlight color 136–137
horizontal scroll bar 39–40, 277
322 Index