Macintosh user groups 273–274
MacWrite/DCA-RFT, converting files
between 303
magnifying the screen image 143–144
main battery. See batteries
main monitor 141–142, 245–246
Make Alias (File menu) 120, 188
malfunctioning computer 271
Map control panel 307–310
math coprocessor socket, Duo Dock 217
megabytes (MB) 70
memory. See also RAM; virtual memory
adding 268
adjusting disk cache 162
changing the amount of memory a
program uses 81
checking memory use 161
fonts and 172
“not enough memory” message 286
protecting contents of while replacing the
battery 87, 94
RAM disk and 83, 84, 85
removing fonts from printer’s
memory 179
tips for memory management 161–162
using the 32-bit addressing feature 164
Memory control panel 83, 84, 162–164
menu bar 51, 52
illustration 15, 278
menu items, adjusting blink rate of 157
choosing items from 279–280
displaying 30
overview 32, 44
pop-up 279
pull-down 278
connecting 268
recording sounds 133–134
microprocessor speed 103
minidock. See Duo MiniDock
modem port 166
Duo Dock 224, 266–267
Duo MiniDock 242, 266–267
automatic sleep and 100
connecting an external modem 266–267
connecting to the Duo Dock 224
connecting to the Duo MiniDock 238,
239, 242, 250
internal 266–267
power conservation and 99
troubleshooting 293
modifier keys 45
keyboard shortcuts 58
special characters and symbols 298–299
Sticky Keys 156
monitors. See also display; screen
connecting to the Duo Dock 218
correct positioning of external monitor 25
designating the main monitor 141–142
external monitor and the Duo MiniDock
connecting 239–240
disconnecting 250
making it the main monitor 245–246
supported by the Duo Dock 217
supported by the Duo MiniDock 238
using a second monitor for
presentations 142
using more than one monitor 141–142
video mirroring 142, 248
weight limit of 218
Monitors control panel 135, 141–142,
adjusting tracking and double-clicking
speed 154
Duo Dock 219
Duo Floppy Adapter 251–253
Duo MiniDock 241
correct positioning of 24
Index 325