OCR Configuration
Product Reference Guide F-37
OCR Configuration
OCR configuration is performed with a combination of PDT parameters and
registry settings. For purposes of configuration, OCR is considered one sym-
bology. Only one font can be active at a time.
OCR Data Output
OCR data is outputted to the system as though it were bar code data. Charac-
ters of the OCR fonts are outputted as printed. Only A-Z, 0-9 are supported.
The maximum number of OCR rows is three. The maximum number of char-
acters per row is 16. This means that the overall maximum number of OCR
characters is 48 characters.
Check digits are not outputted with OCR data. See "OCR Check Characters"
starting on page F-42 for more information.
OCR Templates
You can specify a null-terminated string that defines the length and content of
OCR strings that can be read. This string can be used to specify a single tem-
plate or multiple templates that are concatenated together. You can also stipu-
late two template variables that specify a configurable class of characters.
By default, a single template is defined that allows for any 8-digit OCR string
to be read.