Programming Parameters
4400 Series with Windows
Custom Character Classes
A custom character class (CCC) is a string of up to 50 printable characters that
is associated with a template variable. When a template variable is specified in
a template only characters in the associated CCC string will be allowed in the
specified character position. The variable \G is associated with custom charac-
ter class 1 (CCC1) and the variable \H is associated with custom character
class 2 (CCC2). Table F -11 gives some examples of how CCCs are used. The
CCC strings must specify at least one character for the associated variable to be
used in a template.
Table F-11. Custom Character Class Examples
OCR Check Characters
OCR can be configured to use either a Modulo 10 or Modulo 36 check digits
using the PDT parameters. A check digit is used to verify the contents of a bar
code by calculating the total of the data. By default, OCR is configured to use
Modulo 10 check digits. This setting is global to all check digits. The follow-
ing must be true for the placement of a check digit to be considered valid:
• The check digit must be put at the end of a row.
• There can be no more than 1 check character in a row.
• Rows with check digits can only have the characters 0-9 and A-Z.
Template (HEX) CCC1 CCC2 Sample Description
06 06 06 06 06 06 AB N/A
A string of 6 characters where each
character is either “A” or “B”.
06 06 06 07 07 07 AB CDE12
A string starting with 3 characters that
can be any combination of “A” and
“B”, and ending with 3 characters that
can be any combination of “C”, “B”,
“E”, “1”, or “2”.
06 06 06 07 07 07 AB NULL N/A Error, CCC2 not defined.
07 4D 06 04 05 BDA1 12
A string starting with “1” or “2”, fol-
lowed by “M”, followed by either “B”,
“D”, “A”, or “1”, followed by any char-