Management Processor Monitor: Monitor Recovery and
ATCA-9305 User’s Manual 10009109-01
Recovering the Monitor
1 Make sure that a monitor ROM device is installed in the PLCC socket on the ATCA-9305.
2 Verify there is a shunt on J9, across pins 1 and 2.
3 Issue the following command, where serial_number is the board’s serial number, at the
monitor prompt:
ATCA-9305 (1.0) => moninit serial_number
moninit will also reset environment variables to the default state.
4 To boot from soldered flash, power down the board and remove the shunt from J9, pins 1
and 2.
The monitor always resides in the top 512 KB block of NOR flash (banks 1 and 2) as shown in
Ta bl e 9 - 3.
Table 9-3: Monitor Address per Flash Device
Resetting Environment Variables
To restore the monitor’s standard environment variables, execute the following commands
and insert the appropriate data in the italicized fields:
ATCA-9305 (1.0) => moninit serial_number noburn
Note: Press the ‘s’ key on the keyboard during reset to force the default environment variables to be loaded. See
“MPC8548 Environment Variables” for more information.
Optionally, save your settings:
ATCA-9305 (1.0) => saveenv
Updating the Monitor via TFTP
To update the monitor via TFTP, ensure that an appropriate VLAN is set up in the Ethernet
switch (see the ATCA-9305 Quick Start Guide, #10009110-xx) and execute the following
commands, inserting the appropriate data in the italicized fields:
If necessary, edit your network settings:
ATCA-9305 (1.0) => setenv ipaddr
ATCA-9305 (1.0) => setenv gatewayip
ATCA-9305 (1.0) => setenv netmask
ATCA-9305 (1.0) => setenv serverip
Address Range (hex): Device:
F3F8,0000-F400,0000 Monitor Location in Flash Bank2 (4 MB)
F3B8,0000-F3C0,0000 Monitor Location in Flash Bank1 (4 MB)
F3B7,0000-F3B7,1000 Environment Variables
F3F7,0000-F3F7,1000 Redundant Environment Variables