System Management: Vendor Commands
10009109-01 ATCA-9305 User’s Manual
Get Debug Level
The Get Debug Level command gets the current debug level of the IPMC firmware.
Table 7-20: Get Debug Level Command
Set Debug Level
The Set Debug Level command sets the current debug level of the IPMC firmware.
Table 7-21: Set Debug Level Command
Type: Byte: Data Field:
Request Data 1:3 PPS IANA Private Enterprise ID, MS Byte first
0x00400A = 16394 (Pigeon Point Systems)
Response Data 1 Completion Code
2:4 PPS IANA Private Enterprise ID, MS Byte first
0x00400A = 16394 (Pigeon Point Systems)
5 Bits [7:5] reserved
Bit [4] IPMB Dump Enable
If set to 1, the IPMC provides a trace of IPMB messages that are
arriving to/going from the IPMC via IPMB-0 or IPMB -L
Bit [3] Payload Logging Enable
If set to 1, the IPMC provides a trace of SIPL activity on the
Payload interface onto the Serial Debug interface
Bit [2] Alert Logging Enable
If set to 1, the IPMC outputs important alert messages onto the
Serial Debug interface
Bit [1] Low-level Error Logging Enable
If set to 1, the IPMC outputs low-level error/diagnostic messages
onto the Serial Debug interface
Bit [0] Error Logging Enable
If set to 1, the IPMC outputs error/diagnostic messages onto the
Serial Debug interface
Type: Byte: Data Field:
Request Data 1:3 PPS IANA Private Enterprise ID, MS Byte first
0x00400A = 16394 (Pigeon Point Systems)