10009109-01 ATCA-9305 User’s Manual
Section 5
Management Processor CPLD
The ATCA-9305 uses a Programmable Logic Device (PLD) to provide control logic for the
local bus. The PLD implements various registers for reset, hardware, and LPC bus communi-
cation between the processors.
The PLD registers start at address FC40,0000
. As a rule, registers retain their values
through all resets except for power-on and front panel reset.
Ta bl e 5 - 1 lists the 8-bit PLD reg-
isters followed by the register bit descriptions.
Table 5-1: PLD Register Summary
Offset (hex): Mnemonic: Register Name: See Page:
0x00 PIDR Product ID 5-2
0x04 HVR Hardware Version 5-2
0x08 PVR PLD Version 5-3
0x0C PLLCR PLL Configuration 5-3
0x10 HCR00 Hardware Configuration 0 5-4
0x18 JSR Jumper Setting 5-4
0x1C LEDR LED 5-5
0x20 RER Reset Event 5-5
0x24 RCR1 Reset Command #1 5-6
0x28 RCR2 Reset Command #2 5-6
0x2C RCR3 Reset Command #3 5-6
0x30 RCR4 Reset Command #4 5-7
0x34 RCR5 Reset Command #5 5-7
0x38 RCRS1 Reset Command Sticky #1 5-8
0x3C RCRS2 Reset Command Sticky #2 5-8
0x40 SCR1 Scratch #1
0x50 BDRR Boot Device Redirection 5-9
0x54 MISC Miscellaneous Control (SIO, I2C, Test Clock) 5-9
0x58 LFTR1 Low Frequency Timer 1 5-9
0x5C LFTR2 Low Frequency Timer 2 5-9
0x60 RGSR RTM GPIO State 5-10
0x64 RGCR RTM GPIO Control 5-10
0x68 RTMCR RTM Control 5-11
0x70 CMUL1 Cavium 1 C_MUL Clock Divisor Control 5-11
0x74 CMUL2 Cavium 2 C_MUL Clock Divisor Control 5-12
0x78 JTAG Altera JTAG Chain Software Control 5-12
0x80 CGCR Cavium GPIO Control 5-12