- When performing configuration, modification, or deletion of managed server environments, such as L-Server creation, if an error
occurs on VM guest, the operation may fail.
In this case, part of the environment of the managed server may be created. Perform the operation again after deleting created
- When performing L-Server creation or ETERNUS configuration information modification using ETERNUS, if an error occurs
on a VM guest, ETERNUS may not be able to return from the status of processing to normal status. In this case, to restore, forcibly
log on from ETERNUSmgr, then log off. In the case of ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90, contact Fujitsu technical staff. For details
on how to restore ETERNUS, refer to the ETERNUS manual.
Manager Cluster Operation in Windows and Linux Environments
The settings and deletion operations described below are required for cluster operation.
For details on the settings for cluster operation and the procedure for deletion, refer to "Appendix D Manager Cluster Operation Settings
and Deletion" in the "Setup Guide VE".
- Settings
- Primary Node
- Create cluster resources
- Copy dynamic disk files
- Perform link settings for folders on the shared disk
- Set folder and file access rights
- Set access rights for the Resource Orchestrator database
- Change the IP address set for the manager's admin LAN
- Register service resources
- Start the cluster service
- Secondary Node
- Perform link settings for folders on the shared disk
- Set access rights for the Resource Orchestrator database
- Change the IP address set for the manager's admin LAN
- Start the cluster service
- Deletion
- Primary Node
- Stop the cluster service
- Delete service resources
- Uninstall the manager
- Secondary Node
- Uninstall the manager
- Delete shared disk files
- Delete cluster resources
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