Creation of a copy of a system disk.
cloning image
A backup of a system disk, which does not contain server-specific information (system node name, IP address, etc.), made during
When deploying a cloning image to the system disk of another server, Resource Orchestrator automatically changes server-specific
information to that of the target server.
Cloud Edition
The edition which can be used to provide private cloud environments.
data center
A facility that manages client resources (servers, storage, networks, etc.), and provides internet connections and maintenance/
operational services.
directory service
A service for updating and viewing the names (and associated attributes) of physical/logical resource names scattered across networks,
based on organizational structures and geographical groups using a systematic (tree-shaped structure) management methodology.
disk resource
The unit for resources to connect to an L-Server. An example being a virtual disk provided by LUN or VM management software.
DN (Distinguished Name)
A name defined as a line of an RDN, which contains an entry representing its corresponding object and higher entry.
A system that is divided into individual systems using partitioning. Also used to indicate a partition.
DR Option
The option that provides the function for remote switchover of servers or storage in order to perform disaster recovery.
Dual-Role Administrators
The administrators with both infrastructure administrator's and tenant administrator's role.
dynamic LUN mirroring
This is a feature whereby a mirror volume is generated at the remote site when a volume is generated at the local site, and copies are
maintained by performing REC.
dynamic memory
A function that optimizes physical memory allocation for virtual machines, depending on their execution status on Hyper-V.
end host mode
This is a mode where the uplink port that can communicate with a downlink port is fixed at one, and communication between uplink
ports is blocked.
environmental data
Measured data regarding the external environments of servers managed using Resource Orchestrator.
Measured data includes power data collected from power monitoring targets.
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