Appendix A Notes on Operating ServerView Resource
This appendix provides important reminders for the operation of Resource Orchestrator.
Redundancy Configurations for the Admin LAN
If communication issues occur on the admin LAN, or one of the network interfaces used by a managed server on the admin LAN fails,
the following operations may result in errors. In such cases, restore the admin LAN network as quickly as possible.
- Backup and restore operations
- Collection and deployment of cloning images
- Server switchover and failback
HBA address rename
- With Resource Orchestrator, the factory-set WWN of a managed server's HBA is overridden when the HBA address rename function
is used. The WWN is reset to its factory-set value when the server is deleted from Resource Orchestrator.
Before using HBAs in an environment that is not managed by Resource Orchestrator, first delete the server in which it is mounted
using the ROR console.
For details on how to delete a server, refer to "9.2 Deleting Managed Servers" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators
(Resource Management) CE".
- The WWN of a managed server is set during startup, using a network boot session to connect to the admin server. Once set up with
a proper WWN, the managed server reboots into its own Operating System.
Therefore, a managed server may reboot during its startup.
- Do not move HBAs whose HBA address rename settings have been set up to different managed servers. If operating HBAs without
resetting their WWNs, when the same WWN is configured on multiple servers data may be damaged by same volume access.
Changing the Manager's System Time
When the admin server's system time is reset to a time in the past, the resource monitoring by the manager stops for this period. To reset
the system time to more than just a few minutes in the past, return the time and then restart the manager.
For details on how to restart the manager, refer to "2.1 Starting and Stopping the Manager".
Restarting Managers
By default, the manager services restart at 3:45 am every day for stable system operation.
The settings for restarting can be changed depending on the authority level. To change the configuration, perform the following:
- Configuration File
[Windows Manager]
[Linux Manager]
- Configuration Parameters
Table A.1 Configuration Parameters
Parameter Meaning Initial Value
RESTART_ENABLE Select the restart operation status. true
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