VM Home Position
The VM host that is home to VM guests.
VM host
A server on which server virtualization software is operated, or the server virtualization software itself.
VM maintenance mode
One of the settings of server virtualization software, that enables maintenance of VM hosts.
For example, when using high availability functions (such as VMware HA) of server virtualization software, by setting VM maintenance
mode it is possible to prevent the moving of VM guests on VM hosts undergoing maintenance.
For details, refer to the manuals of the server virtualization software being used.
VM management software
Software for managing multiple VM hosts and the VM guests that operate on them.
Provides value adding functions such as movement between the servers of VM guests (migration).
Virtualization software from VMware Inc.
Provides a virtualized infrastructure on PC servers, enabling flexible management of operations.
VMware DPM (VMware Distributed Power Management)
A function of VMware. This function is used to reduce power consumption by automating power management of servers in VMware
DRS clusters.
VMware DRS (VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler)
A function of VMware. This function is used to monitor the load conditions on an entire virtual environment and optimize the load
VMware Teaming
A function of VMware. By using VMware Teaming it is possible to perform redundancy by connecting a single virtual switch to
multiple physical network adapters.
Web browser
A software application that is used to view Web pages.
WWN (World Wide Name)
A 64-bit address allocated to an HBA.
Refers to a WWNN or a WWPN.
WWNN (World Wide Node Name)
A name that is set as a common value for the Fibre Channel ports of a node. However, the definitions of nodes vary between
manufacturers, and may also indicate devices or adapters. Also referred to as a node WWN.
WWPN (World Wide Port Name)
A name that is a unique value and is set for each Fibre Channel port (HBA, CA, fibre channel switch ports, etc.), and is the IEEE global
MAC address.
As the Fibre Channel ports of the same WWPN are unique, they are used as identifiers during Fibre Channel port login. Also referred
to as a port WWN.
WWPN zoning
The division of ports into zones based on their WWPN, and setting of access restrictions between different zones.
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