“event=ACF” implies that events of severity types activity, critical and fatal will be
sent to recipients by email. If this option is not defined, a value of “all” is taken
ip – [optional] SMTP server IP address. This is the SMTP server to connect to for this
particular user. If this option is not defined, the global/default SMTP server is used
port – [optional] TCP port of the SMTP server. If this is not defined, the global default
TCP port is used
Syntax delete id=<1-5>
delete the specific id specified. The deleted id no longer receives the traps via email.
The id is added using the “add” command
Syntax sendmail server=<ip-addr> to=<email-addr> from=<email-addr>
subject=<string> body=<string> - customize (and also to send a test email to check SMTP
settings) the email sent out by specifying the email subject field, server address, to field and the body of the
text. See example fo the body of the text message later in this chapter
server – [mandatory] SMTP server IP v4 address.
to – [mandatory] the recipient email address
from – [mandatory] the sender email address.
subject – [mandatory] email subject or title
body – [mandatory] email body
Syntax server ip=<ip-addr> [port=<1-65535>] [retry=<0-3>] – configure the global SMTP server
ip – [mandatory] SMTP server IP address
port – [mandatory] TCP port to be used for SMTP communications – default is 25
retry – [optional] specifies how many times to retry if an error occurs when sending email.
Range from 0 to 3. Default is 0.
Syntax smtp <enable|disable> - enables or disables SMTP to send SNMP alerts by email
Syntax exportlog mode=<serial|tftp|ftp> [<ipaddress>] [file=<name>]
[doctype=<raw|html>] – facilitates the export of the event log information as a text
file or as an HTML file
Syntax !! – repeat the last command