User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
8-58 Switching Commands
202-10088-01, March 2005
Untagged - specifies to transmit traffic for this VLAN as
untagged frames.
show vlan brief
This command displays a list of all configured VLANs.
show vlan brief
Mode Privileged EXEC and User EXEC
VLAN ID There is a VLAN Identifier (vlanid )associated with each VLAN.
The range of the VLAN ID is 1 to 4094.
VLAN Name A string associated with this VLAN as a convenience. It can be
up to 32 alphanumeric characters long, including blanks. The
default is blank. VLAN ID 1 always has a name of `Default`. This
field is optional.
VLAN Type Type of VLAN, which can be Default, (VLAN ID = 1), a static
(one that is configured and permanently defined), or a Dynamic
(one that is created by GVRP registration).
show vlan port
This command displays VLAN port information.
show vlan port {<slot/port> | all}
Mode Privileged EXEC and User EXEC
Slot/Port Valid slot and port number separated by forward slashes. It is pos-
sible to set the parameters for all ports by using the selectors on
the top line.
Port VLAN ID The VLAN ID that this port will assign to untagged frames or pri-
ority tagged frames received on this port. The value must be for
an existing VLAN. The factory default is 1.
Acceptable Frame Types Specifies the types of frames that may be received on this port.
The options are 'VLAN only' and 'Admit All'. When set to
'VLAN only', untagged frames or priority tagged frames received
on this port are discarded. When set to 'Admit All', untagged
frames or priority tagged frames received on this port are
accepted and assigned the value of the Port VLAN ID for this