118 C1572M (9/05)
Advanced Commands (Continued)
GPI Auxiliary ON [9-20008]Aa Turns on the designated auxiliary (relay output) at the General
Purpose Interface (GPI). A value ranging from 9-20008 equals
the GPI auxiliary number.
GPI Auxiliary OFF [9-20008]Ba or
Turns off the GPI auxiliary.
Query Device Qa Polls a device to give it an opportunity to transmit pending
information to the system master or to take control of the bus
for a limited time.
Video Loss Detect [cam #]Va Reports a video loss condition from the specified camera in
response to a Query command from the system master.
Set Date and Time ZaMM/DD/YY/HH:MM:SSa Sets the date and time. Note the following:
• Because the time and date string can be confused with other
commands, the command string Za comes first. Za puts the
receiving device into a mode that can accept the specialized
• MM equals two-digit month.
• DD equals two-digit day.
• YY equals two-digit year.
• HH equals two-digit hour, ranging from 00 to 23 (military
• MM equals two-digit minute, ranging from 00 to 59.
• SS equals two-digit second, ranging from 00 to 59.
Report Revision va Requests the version number of the device.
Matrix Control Commands
Select Monitor [1-9999]Ma Calls a monitor to use for camera operation. A value ranging
from 1 to 9999 equals the logical monitor number.
Select Camera [1-999999]#a Selects a camera to be displayed on the current monitor.
A value ranging from 1 to 999999 equals the logical camera
Next Camera +a Advances to the next numbered camera in the system.
Previous Camera –a Goes back to the previous numbered camera in the system.
Lock Camera to Monitor Ga Locks the currently selected camera to the currently selected
monitor. Users are not allowed to control the locked camera or
to switch the locked camera from the locked monitor.
Unlock Camera from Monitor ~Ga Unlocks the currently selected camera from the currently
selected monitor. To unlock a camera, the command must be
issued from the data translator that locked the camera.
Override Camera-to-Monitor Lock oa Overrides a camera-to-monitor lock that was issued by another
user if the data translator is set as an equal or higher priority
user than the user who locked the camera.
Table P. ASCII Command Descriptions (Continued)
Action Command* Command Description