Appendix NAVI/AV
TV system (NTSC, PAL, SECAM)
Different areas of the world use different TV systems.
North America uses NTSC, Europe uses PAL and
SECAM, and South America uses PAL-M, PAL-N, PAL
and NTSC.
Almost all are incompatible with each other. To display
the video image, such as TV or DVD-video correctly, you
may need to coordinate your system at the same TV sys-
tem or use a multisystem equipment.
VBR is short for variable bit rate. Generally speaking
CBR (constant bit rate) is more widely used. But by flexi-
bly adjusting the bit rate according to the needs of audio
compression, it is possible to achieve compression prior-
ity sound quality.
Voice guidance
The giving of directions by a recorded voice while in
guidance mode.
Voice recognition
The technology that allows the system to understand the
driver’s voice commands.
❒ In order to operate the navigation system by voice,
you need the microphone kit (CD-VC1), which is sold
separately. Please refer to the [Owner’s Manual] for
the microphone kit.
Way Point
A location that you choose to visit before your destina-
tion; a journey can be built up from multiple waypoints
and the destination.