RAD Data comm ASMi-52 Network Router User Manual

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Configuration
ASMi-52 Ver. 2.5 Configuring ASMi-52 for Management 4-11
Data Rate (2304 Kbps)
1. 64 Kbps 12. 768 Kbps 23. 1472 Kbps
2. 128 Kbps 13. 832 Kbps 24. 1536 Kbps
3. 192 Kbps 14. 896 Kbps 25. 1600 Kbps
4. 256 Kbps 15. 960 Kbps 26. 1664 Kbps
5. 320 Kbps 16. 1024 Kbps 27. 1728 Kbps
6. 384 Kbps 17. 1088 Kbps 28. 1792 Kbps
7. 448 Kbps 18. 1152 Kbps 29. 1856 Kbps
8. 512 Kbps 19. 1216 Kbps 30. 1920 Kbps
9. 576 Kbps 20. 1280 Kbps 31. 1984 Kbps
10. 640 Kbps 21. 1344 Kbps 32. 2048 Kbps
11. 704 Kbps 22. 1408 Kbps 33. 2304 Kbps
ESC-prev. menu; !-main menu; &-exit; @-scroll
Figure 4-15. LAN Rate Menu (2-Wire Version)
Setting the LAN Rate in a Multiplexer Unit
The maximum multiplexer rate is 2048 kbps (general rate). The sum of the data
rate of two interfaces should not exceed 2048 kbps.
For example:
IR (DTE Serial) Interface + LAN – If IR or the DTE Serial Interface works at
1024 kbps, then LAN cannot work at a speed of more than 1024 kbps
because the sum of both interfaces cannot exceed 2048 kbps.
ASMi-52 has a multiplexer modem with two interfaces. The maximum rate for
LAN is:
If LAN + E1, then the LAN maximum rate =
2048 kbps – used TSs (timeslots) x 64 kbps
If LAN + IR (DTE Serial) Interface, then the LAN maximum rate =
2048 kbps – DTE rate
Configuring Autonegotiation
ASMi-52 autonegotiation allows you to operate at the fastest data rate available.
With autonegotiation enabled, the ASMi-52 unit automatically determines
between itself and the DTE the fastest data rate and duplex mode that they can
operate. With autonegotiation disabled, the LAN interface of ASMi-52 operates at
the speed and duplex mode that is configured by the Default type.
To set autonegotiation:
1. From the Local LAN Configuration menu, select Autonegotiation (Main menu
> Configuration > LAN Configuration > Local LAN Configuration >
Toggle between Enable and Disable.