
Chapter 4 Configuration Installation and Operation Manual
4-22 Configuring the Physical Ports ASMi-52 Ver. 2.5
4.3 Configuring the Physical Ports
Configuring the SHDSL Interface
The ASMi-52 configuration software allows you to change the modem’s
transmission mode (Annex A or Annex B).
Examples given below illustrate the local device configuration procedures.
To change the transmission mode:
1. From the SHDSL Local Port menu, select Transmission Mode (Main menu >
Configuration > SHDSL Configuration > SHDSL Local Port > Transmission
Mode) to choose a transmission mode: Annex A or Annex B for the SHDSL
Local Port.
The display is refreshed and a new value appears.
2. Select Save to save the changes.
ASMi-52 units operating in the receive clock mode automatically detect the
standard compatibility value of the central units and configure themselves
SHDSL local port configuration
1. Power backoff (Enable)
2. Asym PSD (Symmetric)
3. Line prob (Fixed rate)
4. Configured Wire (2W/4W)
5. Loop attenuation threshold (dB)[0 – 127] (0)
6. SNR margin threshold (dB)[0 – 15] (0)
7. Transmission mode (Annex_A)
8. Save
ESC-prev. menu; !-main menu; &-exit; @-scroll
Figure 4-27. SHDSL Local Port Menu