
Chapter 4 Configuration Installation and Operation Manual
4-34 Configuring the Physical Ports ASMi-52 Ver. 2.5
The Unit Identical Set is permanently set to Yes, the parameters are copied to
the remote unit.
If the Frame Mode is not G732S:
The Unit Identical setting can be set to Yes or No when the local modem is
configured as CO and both modems are E1.
If the Unit identical set is Yes, then the Sync Mode, TSA and Idle Code are
automatically configured in the remote unit if the following conditions are
If the local ASMi-52 is defined as CO.
If the local ASMi-52 is defined as CPE and the remote unit is not an E1
In the remote ASMi-52 if the local is defined as CPE and it is not an E1
If the Unit identical set is No, then the Sync Mode, TSA and Idle Code are
configurable as follows:
Local ASMi-52 in any configuration.
Remote ASMi-52 if the local is defined as CO.
To match remote unit settings with local unit settings:
1. From the E1 Configuration menu, select Local/Remote Port (Main menu >
Configuration > E1 Configuration > E1 Local/Remote Port).
The E1 Local/Remote Port is displayed.
2. From the E1 Local/Remote Port menu, select Units Identical Setting.
The Units Identical Setting value changes to YES.
3. Save the changes.
Configuring the T1 Interface
ASMi-52 units with T1 interface require configuration of the following parameters:
Framing mode:
Unframed – Stream of bits at 1.544 Mbps
ESF – 24 frames per multi-frame
SF - 12 frames per multi-frame
Line coding:
B8ZS – B8ZS coding
AMI – AMI coding
Receive gain (sensitivity of the receive equalizer):
Long – -36 dB
Short – 15 dB
DSU – DSU interface
CSU – CSU interface