Page 104 SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance Administrator’s Guide
Tip Customized domains do not have to be re-entered when the Content Filter List is updated each
week and do not require a URL list subscription.
• Enable Allowed/Forbidden Domains
To deactivate Custom Filter customization, clear the Enable Allowed/Forbidden Domains, and
click Update. This option allows you to enable and disable customization without removing and
re-entering custom domains.
• Enable Keyword Blocking
Select the Enable Keyword Blocking if you want to block Web traffic based on your list of
customized keywords.
• Disable all Web traffic except for Allowed Domains
When the Disable Web traffic except for Allowed Domains check box is selected, the SonicWALL
only allows Web access to sites on the Allowed Domains list. With careful screening, this can be
nearly 100% effective at blocking pornography and other objectional material.
Time of Day
The Time of Day feature allows you to define specific times when Content Filtering is enforced. For
example, you could configure the SonicWALL to filter employee Internet access during normal
business hours, but allow unrestricted access at night and on weekends.
Tip Time of Day restrictions only apply to the Content Filter List, Customized blocking and Keyword
blocking. Consent and Restrict Web Features are not affected.
• Always Block
When selected, Content Filtering is enforced at all times.
• Block Between
When selected, Content Filtering is enforced during the time and days specified. Enter the time
period, in 24-hour format, and select the starting and ending day of the week that Content
Filtering is enforced.
Filter Block Action
• Log Only
If this check box is selected, the SonicWALL logs and then allows access to all sites on the
Content Filter, custom, and keyword lists. The Log Only check box allows you to monitor
inappropriate usage without restricting access.
• Log and Block Access
Select the check box and the SonicWALL blocks access to sites on the Content Filter, custom,
and keyword lists. The SonicWALL also logs attempts to access these sites.