72 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide • October 2001
4. Install cfgadm plug-in library packages SUNWcfpl and SUNWcfplx.
5. Install the SAN Foundation Kit SUNWsan patch 111847-xx.
If you installed the Sun SAN release 3.0, do not install this patch.
a. To find out if this patch has been installed, type:
If the patch has been installed the system returns:
b. If you need to install patch 111847-xx, use the patchadd command.
6. Install ses driver patch 110614-xx.
7. Install Solaris driver patches.
The two patches may have been included in your operating system. Use the
showrev command to see if they have already been installed (see Step a on page 72),
and the patchadd command to add them.
# pkgadd -d pkg-location SUNWcfpl
# pkgadd -d pkg-location SUNWcfplx
# showrev -p | grep 111847
Patch: 111847-01 Obsoletes: Requires: Incompaticles: Packages:
# patchadd patch-location/111847-01
# patchadd patch-location/110614-02
# patchadd patch-location/108982-09
# patchadd patch-location/108984-08