16 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide • October 2001
Configuration Examples
Single Host Connected to One Storage Array
FIGURE 2-1 shows one host connected through fiber-optic cables to one Sun StorEdge
A3500FC controller module. Each controller module has two Fibre Channel ports.
FIGURE 2-2 shows one host connected through fiber-optic cables to one Sun StorEdge
A5200 controller module. Each controller module has two Fibre Channel ports.
FIGURE 2-3 shows one host connected through fiber-optic cables to one Sun StorEdge
T3 partner pair.
TABLE 2-8 Arrays, Zones, and Initiators
Array Maximum Arrays/Zone Maximum Initiators/Zone
Sun StorEdge
Sun StorEdge A5200
3 2 initiators per loop, or a maximum of four
per array
Sun StorEdge T3
8 Sun StorEdge
T3WG or 4 Sun
StorEdge T3ES
2 for a single array, 4 for a partner pair