82 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide • October 2001
Network Storage Agent
1. Upgrade the Network Storage Agent package, SUNWrasag.
Check the version of the NetworkStorage Agent on your SAN Management host.
The system returns:
2. Refer to
TABLE 6-2 on page 70 for the version information. If you need to upgrade
to a newer version, remove the outdated package using the pkgrm command.
3. Install the new version using the pkgadd command. Follow the installation
instructions provided in the documentation that came with this package.
# pkginfo -l SUNWrasag
NAME: Network Storage Agent
CATEGORY: system
ARCH: sparc
BASEDIR: /opt/SUNWrasag
VENDOR: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation
PSTAMP: ccadieux on 08/08/00 10:34:24
INSTDATE: Oct 14 2001 17:52
STATUS: completely installed
FILES: 811 installed pathnames
96 directories
146 executables
20332 blocks used (approx)
# pkgrm SUNWrasag
# pkgadd -d pkg-location SUNWrasag