Chapter 9 Managing the SAN 125
■ “Removing a FC-Tape Drive” on page 126
Removing a Sun StorEdge A5200 Array
Use the luxadm remove_device command to hot remove a disk drive, enclosure,
or chain of enclosures. This command interactively guides you through the hot
removal of one or more devices.
In the Sun StorEdge A5200 disk array, the remove_device command of the luxadm
command performs the following functions:
■ Checks whether the device is busy and, if so, warns you
■ Takes the device offline (this fails if the disk is open)
■ Sends notice when device can be safely removed.
■ Indicates which device to remove by a blinking activity LED on the enclosure
■ Requests confirmation that the list is as expected
■ Removes the logical device names for the device that was removed
For additional information, see the luxadm (1M) man page.
Removing a Sun StorEdge T3 Array Workgroup
or Enterprise Configuration
When a Sun StorEdge T3 array is connected to a Fabric device (an array to a switch
TL_port and a host port to a switch F port) and:
■ If the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software is enabled, refer to “To Unconfigure
a Fabric Device Associated With Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager Devices” on
page 104.
■ If the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software is not enabled, refer to “To
Unconfigure a Fabric Device” on page 94.
▼ To Remove a Sun StorEdge A3500FC Array
1. Launch RAID Manager.
2. Click the Status icon.
3. Select the RAID module for removal from the pull-down menu.
4. Click Select from the Module menu.
5. Verify the module for removal is highlighted.