Troubleshooting Tools and
This chapter contains information and procedures for correcting faults in initial
configuration and subsequent faults.
Additional information and resources are available at
The website contains information on software versions and provides necessary
patches for customers.
This section describes tools and resources essential for troubleshooting a Sun
StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Version 3.0 switch. Use this
information as well as information found in the appropriate hardware specific
manuals to determine the problem and the service required.
▼ To Identify the Problem:
Check one or a combination of resources. Make sure you capture the information
you gather for a service call, if you need one.
Host Based Files:
■ /var/adm/messages
■ /etc/raid/rmlog.log (for A3500FC, if applicable)
■ Sun StorEdge T3 Array syslog (can be forwarded to the host)