26 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide • October 2001
FIGURE 2-10 shows an example of a multihost configuration: two hosts connected
through fiber-optic cables, using switches, to two Sun StorEdge A3500FC controller
FIGURE 2-10 shows two hosts connect to a maximum of four Sun StorEdge A3500 FC
FIGURE 2-11 shows two hosts connected to three Sun StorEdge A5200 arrays.
FIGURE 2-12 shows two hosts connected to four Sun StorEdge T3 partner pairs.
FIGURE 2-13 shows two hosts connected to a Sun StorEdge T3 Partner Group in which
each host maintains separate, non-shared storage.
FIGURE 2-14 shows a multihost configuration with cascading switches connected to an
FC tape library, a Sun StorEdge T3 array, and a Sun StorEdge A5200 array.