This chapter contains information and instructions for configuring your Sun
StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 or Switch-16 with one or more hosts and storage.
“Supported Hardware” on page 5
“Supported Configurations” on page 7
“Guidelines for Configuration” on page 15
“Configuration Examples” on page 16
“Setting the Loop ID” on page 32
The Switch
Either of the Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 or Switch-16 units functions with a
Sun StorEdge A3500 FC array, a Sun StorEdge A5200 array, a Sun StorEdge T3 array
and STK 94840 FC Tape drives with Sun StorEdge L700/L180 Tape Libraries.
Supported Hardware
In a single switch configuration, the switch is connected to the host through a fiber-
optic cable to a Sun StorEdge PCI Fibre Channel Network Adapter. The other ports
of the switch are connected to storage devices through a fiber-optic cable.