B-2 Sun Blade T6320 Server Module Service Manual • June 2009
B.1 About Creating a Bootable Array on a
SPARC System
These instructions describe how to use the Sun Blade RAID 5 Expansion Module to
create boot disks for a SPARC system that will run the Solaris 10 OS with a network
install server. Instructions for creating a bootable array with just the Live CD and no
install server are also included. Creating a bootable array using an install server is
suggested for larger sites.
The SUNWaac driver, which is required by Solaris to communicate with logical
drives created on the Sun Blade RAID 5 Expansion Module, is not present on the
install image. Because of this, you must manually add the driver. Manually adding
the SUNWaac driver is necessary only if you want to boot directly off logical drives
that are presented by the Sun Blade RAID 5 Expansion Module. Disks attached
through a REM must be presented as logical volumes. They cannot be accessed
B.2 Creating a Bootable Array Task Map
To create a bootable array for a SPARC system that will be running the Solaris 10 OS,
do the following:
1. Install and connect the HBA and disk drives.
See “Replacing or Installing the Sun Blade RAID 5 Expansion Module” on
page 20.
2. Obtain the Live CD from the HBA ship kit or go to:
3. To create a bootable array using just the REM and Live CD (no install server),
go to “To Create a Logical Drive Without a Network Install Server” on page 8.
To create a bootable array using the REM, Live CD, and install server (suggested
for larger sites), continue with Step 4.
4. Install and configure a network install server, as described in Solaris 10
Installation Guide: Network Based Installations.
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