Use the undo telnet client source command to restore the default.
By default, a device uses the IP address of the interface determined by the routing
protocol as the source IP address to communicate with a TFTP server.
Note that:
■ The source address includes the source interface and the source IP, if you use
the tftp client source command to specify the source interface and the source
IP, the newly specified source IP overwrites the original one and vice versa.
■ If the source address is specified with the tftp client source command and
then with the tftp command, use the latter one.
■ The source address specified with the tftp client source command is valid for
all tftp connections and the source address specified with the tftp command is
valid for the current tftp command.
Related command: display tftp client configuration.
Example # Specify the source IP address of the TFTP client to
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] tftp client source ip
# Specify the source interface of the TFTP client to be Ethernet 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ftp client source interface ethernet 1/0
tftp ipv6
Syntax tftp ipv6 tftp-ipv6-server [ -i interface-type interface-number ] { get | put } source-file
[ destination-file ]
View User view
Parameter tftp-ipv6-server: IPv6 address or host name (a string of 1 to 46 characters) of a
TFTP server.
-i interface-type interface-number: Specifies the egress interface by its type and
number. This parameter can be used only in case that the TFTP server address is a
link local address and the specified egress interface must have a link local address
(For the configuration of link local address, see “IPv6 Basics Configuration
Commands” on page 829).
get: Downloads a file.
put: Uploads a file.
source-filename: Source filename.