Duplicate Station Administration
Issue 4 August 2002
Duplicate Station Administration
You can administer up to 16 XMOBILE stations at one time. You do this by
“duplicating” in bulk a station that you have already administered. You must be
sure to administer Security Codes for all principal phone numbers so that Feature
Access Codes for the XMOBILE stations can be used.
For XMOBILE stations, the
duplicate station command is used as follows:
duplicate station [extension] [‘start’ extension’] [‘board’ ‘x’] [‘count’ (1-16)]
■ The duplicate station [extension] is the extension of the XMOBILE
station to be copied.
■ The start extension accepts any unassigned extension and is used as the
first extension to be assigned to the duplicated stations.
■ The board option specifies the type of board to be used.
■ If an XMOBILE is the source extension, then the board option may
be omitted or contain an
■ When duplicating a single XMOBILE extension, and the board or
count option is used, an extension is pre-selected for the user. For
example, if extension 30002 is an XMOBILE then the following
command line options are valid:
— duplicate station 30002 board x
— duplicate station 30002 count 1
■ XMOBILE stations may not be duplicated to wired board types. If an
XMOBILE terminal is duplicated to a wired board type (i.e., analog,
bri, digital, or hybrid) or w (wireless type), then the error message,
Object type and port type inconsistent displays.
■ The start option is used to indicate where pre-selected extensions
should start from.
■ When the count option is used, extensions created through duplication
are pre-selected. The
count option may be omitted or contain a number
from 1-16. If the
count option is not used on the command line, then no
extensions are pre-selected and you must administer all duplicated
extensions on the first duplicate Station screen.
The following are examples of duplicate station commands for EC500 XMOBILE
duplicate station 30002
No extensions are preselected - count or board option not used.