Properties driver tabs
In Windows NT 4.0, click Start, select Settings, and then click Printers. Right-click the product
name, and then click Properties to gain access to all Properties print-driver tabs. The following
Properties driver tabs are available in Windows NT 4.0:
■ General
■ Ports
■ Scheduling
■ Sharing
■ Security
■ NT Forms
■ Configure
NOTE Only the NT Forms tab and the Configure tab are described in this guide. See the
Properties tabs section in this chapter.
Access to print drivers in Windows 98 and Windows Me
In Windows 98 and Windows Me, click Start, click Settings, and then click Printers. Right-click the
product name, and then click Properties to gain access to all print-driver tabs. The settings that you
make on these driver tabs control print-job output. The following print-driver tabs are available in
Windows 98 and Windows Me:
■ General
■ Details
■ Color Management
■ Sharing
■ Finishing
■ Effects
■ Paper
■ Job Storage
■ Basics
■ Configure
Help system
The HP Traditional PCL 6 Driver and the HP Traditional PCL 5e Driver include a full-featured Help
system to provide assistance with printing and configuration options.
HP traditional PCL 6 and PCL 5e driver features 89
HP traditional drivers