HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2410 Printer User Manual

Using a PIN for Private Job
The Private Job option can be secured by a four-digit personal identification number (PIN). You
must type in this number at the product control panel before the product can print the job.
The group box labeled Job Identification is usually inactive. It becomes active when you select the
Private Job option.
The Private Job/PIN coupling has a PIN restriction of four ASCII numeric characters (0 though 9). If
you type non-numeric characters, they are removed immediately. The text field does not allow you to
type in more than four characters. The field temporarily accepts fewer than four digits in the string,
but when the edit field loses focus, the zeroes pad the left end until the PIN contains exactly four
digits. The default initialized value for the PIN is 0000 for Private Job.
Job Identification
The Job Identification group box contains the following controls:
User Name text box
Job Name text box
PIN text box
User Name
Use the User Name text box to help identify the job at the product control panel. The Windows user
name automatically appears in the User Name text box. To enter a custom user name, type the
custom user name in the text box. The User Name text box can contain no more than 16 characters.
Job Name
Use the Job Name text box to specify a name to identify the job at the product control panel. This
text box uses Untitled as the default job name associated with the stored print job. The file name of
the print job is used if it is available to the print driver. Otherwise, the software program name or a
time stamp is used for the job name. To enter a custom name, type the custom job name in the text
box. The Job Name text box can contain no more than 16 characters.
When the dialog box is closed, or as soon as the focus is removed from the control (that is, when the
Tab key is pressed or another control is selected), an empty string is replaced with UNTITLED. In
those languages for which UNTITLED cannot be translated without the use of invalid characters, the
driver uses a string of three dashes. The acceptable characters for job name and user name vary for
each operating system. The string must be of a length and type that can appear on the product
control-panel display.
The box labeled PIN is usually inactive.
After selecting the Private Job option, you must type in the PIN number at the product control panel
in order to make the job print. For more information, see
Using a PIN for Private Job.
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