■ Univers
■ Arial
■ Garamond
■ Univers Condensed
■ CG Omega
■ Letter Gothic
■ Wingdings
■ CG Times
■ Marigold
The following bitmap screen fonts reside on the HP LaserJet 2410, 2420, and 2430 printers:
■ ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book
■ Helvetica
■ Palatino
■ ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book Oblique
■ Helvetica Bold
■ Palatino Bold
■ ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi
■ Helvetica Bold Oblique
■ Palatino Bold Italic
■ ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Oblique
■ Helvetica Oblique
■ Palatino Italic
■ ITC Bookman Demi
■ Helvetica Narrow
■ Symbol
■ ITC Bookman Demi Italic
■ Helvetica Narrow Bold
■ Times Bold
■ ITC Bookman Light
■ Helvetica Narrow Bold Oblique
■ Times Bold Italic
Macintosh 283