HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2410 Printer User Manual

What's this? Help
Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 support "What's this?" Help. You can gain
access to "What's this?" Help messages in any of the following ways:
Right-click a control and then click What's this?. A pop-up Help window appears.
Click the ? button in the upper-right corner of the frame, next to the X, to change the cursor to an
arrow with a question mark. When you use this special cursor to select a control, the pop-up
Help window for that feature appears.
Press the F1 key, and the Help window for the currently selected control appears.
Context-sensitive Help
When you click the Help button on a driver tab or in a dialog box, a context-sensitive Help message
Incompatible Print Settings messages
Incompatible print settings (constraint) messages are unsolicited messages that appear in response
to specific actions that you take. These messages alert you that the selections are illogical or
impossible given the capabilities of the product or the current settings of other controls.
NOTE Constraint messages are limited for HP unidrivers. The HP unidrivers accept some
settings that are illogical or impossible for the product to perform. If you try to print with
incompatible settings, the printed documents might have unexpected results because the print
driver did not provide feedback that the settings were incompatible. If print jobs do not print as
expected, check the product documentation for the product capabilities.
In Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating environments, some
technically invalid print-driver configurations result in the appearance of warning messages.
Duplexing, for instance, is not possible when the Transparency media type is selected. The following
illustration shows an Incompatible Print Settings message.
Figure 4-1 An Incompatible Print Settings message
Clicking the Resolve all conflicts for me automatically option button and then clicking OK accepts
the change that was just made. The driver then resets the conflicting control to a setting that is
HP PCL 6, HP PCL 5e, and PS emulation unidriver features 169
HP unidrivers