Page Layout Option
The Page Layout (N-up) Option specifies whether the N-up printing feature is enabled. The
following settings are available:
■ Normal (One-up). This is the default setting.
■ Two-up (1x2). The print job prints two pages per sheet.
■ Four-up (2x2). The print job prints four pages per sheet.
■ Six-up (2x3). The print job prints six pages per sheet.
■ Nine-up (3x3). The print job prints nine pages per sheet.
■ Sixteen-up (4x4). The print job prints 16 pages per sheet.
PostScript Options
The following are the settings for PostScript Options:
■ PostScript Output Options offers the following settings:
■ Optimize for Speed. This is the default setting.
■ Optimize for Portability. Use this setting to create a file that conforms to the Adobe
Document Structuring Conventions (ADSC). Each page of the document will be a self-
contained object. This is useful, for instance, if you want to create a PostScript file and print it
on a different product.
■ Encapsulated PostScript (EPS). Use this setting to include the file as an image in another
document that is to be printed from a different program.
■ Archive Format. Use this setting to create a PostScript file that you can use later.
■ TrueType Font Download Option offers the following settings:
■ Automatic (default )
■ Outline
■ Bitmap
■ Native TrueType
■ The PostScript Language Level specifies which PostScript language level to use, from 1 to the
highest level that your product supports. Some products support multiple levels. It is usually best
to select the highest level that is available, because a higher language-level provides more
features. In some instances, however, you would still use level 1. For example, if you are printing
a file to disk and that file will be printed by someone who has a level-1 printer, you would need to
select level 1. The PostScript Language Level spin box offers settings 1 through 3.
■ Send PostScript Error Handler specifies whether a PostScript error handler message is sent. If
you want the product to print an error page when an error occurs in the print job, click Yes.
■ Mirrored Output specifies mirrored print output. Click Yes to print a mirror image of your
document by reversing the horizontal coordinates.
HP Traditional Postscript 3 Emulation Driver features 151
HP traditional drivers