2-100 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Reserved Pages
The seventh reserved page in the root dbspace is PAGE_1PCHUNK. The eighth
reserved page, PAGE_2PCHUNK, is the second page in the pair.
The tbinit daemon uses the primary chunk page to describe each chunk, its
pathname, its relation to the dbspace, and its current status.
Below are listed the primary chunk fields and definitions. To obtain a listing
of the reserved page, execute the command tbcheck -pr.
Date/time created Date and time the dbspace was created
Dbspace name Dbspace name
Dbspace owner Dbspace owner
Field Name Description
Primary chunk number Chunk number
Next chunk in dbspace Number of the next chunk in the dbspace
Chunk offset Offset of chunk, in pages
Chunk size Number of pages in the chunk
Number of free pages Number of free pages in the chunk
Dbspace number Number of this chunk’s dbspace
Overhead Free-map page address (blobspace only)
(1 of 2)
Field Name Description
(2 of 2)