
Operating OnLine 3-115
Change the Number of Page Cleaners
From the Command Line
1. To change the value of USERS from the command line, use an editor
to edit the file specified by $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$TBCONFIG.
2. Change the value of USERS. Change the value of the LOCKS,
BUFFERS, or TBLSPACES parameter to match the new number of
users, if required.
3. Reinitialize shared memory (take OnLine offline and then to
quiescent mode) for the change to take effect.
Change the Number of Page Cleaners
The number of page cleaners is specified as CLEANERS in the configuration
You can make this change while OnLine is in online mode, but the changes
will not take effect until you reinitialize shared memory (take OnLine offline
and then to quiescent or online mode).
If you are logged in as user informix, you can make this change from within
DB-Monitor or from the command line. If you are logged in as root, you must
use the command-line option.
Refer to page 5-17 for guidelines for setting this value to improve
From DB-Monitor
1. From within DB-Monitor, select the Parameters menu, Shared-
Memory option to change the maximum number of page cleaners.
Change the value in the field, Number of Page Cleaners.
2. Reinitialize shared memory (take OnLine offline and then to
quiescent mode) for the change to take effect.