viii IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
If the Logical Log Files Fill During an Archive....... 3-59
If an Archive Terminates Prematurely ......... 3-60
Monitor OnLine Activity ............... 3-61
Monitor Archive History .............. 3-61
Monitor Blobs in a Blobspace ............ 3-63
Monitor Blobs in a Dbspace ............. 3-65
Monitor Buffers ................. 3-66
Monitor Buffer-Pool Activity............. 3-68
Monitor Checkpoints ............... 3-69
Monitor Chunks ................. 3-70
Monitor Configuration Information .......... 3-73
Monitor Databases ................ 3-74
Monitor Dbspaces ................ 3-75
Monitor Disk Pages ................ 3-77
Monitor Extents ................. 3-78
Monitor Index Information ............. 3-79
Monitor Logging Activity .............. 3-80
Monitor the Message Log .............. 3-82
Monitor OnLine Profile .............. 3-83
Monitor Shared Memory and Latches.......... 3-84
Monitor Tblspaces ................ 3-85
Monitor Users and Transactions ........... 3-86
Modify OnLine Configuration ............. 3-87
Create a Blobspace ................ 3-88
Drop a Blobspace................. 3-91
Change the Number of Buffers in the Pool ........ 3-92
Change the Size of Either Log Buffer .......... 3-93
Add a Chunk .................. 3-94
Change the Maximum Number of Chunks ........ 3-96
Create a Dbspace ................. 3-97
Drop a Dbspace ................. 3-99
Enforce/Turn Off Residency for This Session .......3-100
Enforce/Turn Off Residency .............3-100
Change the Status of a Mirrored Chunk .........3-101
Enable Mirroring .................3-104
Start/End Mirroring in a Blobspace or Dbspace ......3-105
Change Physical Log Location or Size .........3-107
Change the Checkpoint Interval ...........3-109
Change the Destination of Console Messages .......3-110