OnLine Message Log 8-29
Alphabetized Messages
Too Many Active Transactions, Increase “TRANSACTIONS”
During a data restore, the value of the TRANSACTIONS configuration file
parameter must always be greater than or equal to the total number of active
transactions. At some point during the restore, the number of active transac-
tions exceeded the value of TRANSACTIONS. Increase the value of
Too Many Active Users, Increase “USERS”
During a data restore, the value of the USERS configuration file parameter
must always be greater than or equal to the total number of user processes.
At some point during the restore, the number of user processes exceeded the
value of USERS. Increase the value of USERS.
Transaction Completed Abnormally (endtx): tx=0xn flags =0xn User
user_name tty ttyid
(This message is only received by users of the IBM Informix STAR product.)
This message indicates that a database server process in the postdecision
phase of a two-phase commit transaction has been heuristically ended. Refer
to page 9-40. tx refers to the address of the transaction in shared memory
(hexadecimal). flags refers to the value of the transaction flags obtained
from the transaction structure (hexadecimal). user_name is the name of the
user who executed tbmode -Z to end the transaction. ttyid is the terminal
identification of the user who ended the transaction.
Transaction Completed Abnormally (rollback): tx=0xn flags =0xn
(This message is only received by users of the IBM Informix STAR product.)
This message indicates that a database server process in the postdecision
phase of a two-phase commit transaction has been heuristically rolled back.
Refer to page 9-36. tx refers to the address of the transaction in shared
memory (hexadecimal). flags refers to the value of the transaction flags
obtained from the transaction structure (hexadecimal).
Transaction Not Found
The logical log is corrupted. This can occur when a new transaction is started
but the first logical log record for the transaction is not a BEGWORK record.