3-36 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Back Up a Logical Log File
You can change the logging status for any number of databases with the same
To change buffered logging to unbuffered logging, or vice versa, execute one
of the following commands:
tbtape -B database (buffered logging)
tbtape -U database (unbuffered logging)
You can change the logging status for any number of databases with the same
command. For further information about the tbtape utility, refer to
page 7-102.
ANSI Compliance
You must use DB-Monitor to make a database ANSI-compliant. Select the
Logical-Logs menu, Databases option.
Use the Arrow keys to select the database to which you want to add logging.
Press CTRL-B or F3.
When the logging options screen appears, DB-Monitor displays the current
log status of the database. Use the Arrow keys to select Unbuffered
Logging, Mode ANSI.
Press CTRL-B or F3.
Back Up a Logical Log File
OnLine automatically switches to a new logical log file when the current log
file fills. The full logical log file displays an unreleased status, U. After you
back it up, the status changes to U-B. (The logical log file is not free until all
the transactions within the log file are closed.)
You should attempt to back up each logical log file as soon as it fills. (If you
are running OnLine with the Continuous-Backup option, OnLine performs
backups automatically. Refer to page 3-37.)
When you explicitly request a backup, OnLine backs up all full logical log
files. It also prompts you with an option to switch the log files and back up
the formerly “current” log.
If you press the Interrupt key while a backup is under way, OnLine finishes
the backup and then returns control to you. Any other full log files are left
with unreleased status, U.