Intermate100 and Intermate101 Print Server Administration Manual 155
[Logical Printers 1-8]: String Before and String After
20.4. String Before and String After
The data manipulation provided in “string before” and “string
after” for a given logical printer make it possible to send printer
control commands before and after the actual data stream in
the print job. Examples of how these manipulations are used
are found in the chapter on
“Processing Facilities” [page 117]
Each logical printer can have one “string before” and one
“string after”. The maximum number of “Encoded Bytes” you
can use in “String Before” and “String After” depends on the
identification number of the logical printer involved as shown
below. See the appendix on
“String Syntax” [page 239]
for an
explanation of “Encoded Bytes”.
Figure 16. Maximum number of Encoded Bytes
In release level 1071 the number of characters in “String After”
was reduced from 100 to 50 for logical printers 2-8 in order to
increase the number of characters available for “String Before”,
“String After” definitions made under previous releases using
more than 50 characters will be truncated to 50 characters
when upgrading.
Maximum number of encoded Bytes in PR# String.
... Before ... After
1 500 100
2500 50
3500 50
4500 50
5200 50
6200 50
7200 50
8200 50