
Intermate100 and Intermate101 Print Server Administration Manual 83
The Intermate Management and Configuration Utility (IMCU): Device List / Available Agents
11.6. Device List / Available Agents
The device list is your entry way to using the IMCU server.
The screen is selected by clicking the “Device list” button
in the top toolbar. You will be presented with a two col-
umn list showing “Agent” and “Devices”, however the
“Devices” will be empty.
Use the “Expand” icon to bring forth a list of the
devices discovered on that segment.
Before proceeding to use the information on the list, use the
“Refresh” icon to refresh the list; the browser’s “refresh” is not
good enough.
The “column selection” button, allows you to tailor the
device list to your wishes.
Figure 1. IMCU Column Selection.
A sample device list is shown on the next page.