
Intermate100 and Intermate101 Print Server Administration Manual 93
IP Assignments for Initial Contact: Assignment Using BOOTP
12.4. Assignment Using BOOTP
Power Off the Intermate1xx
If the unit
is attached to a printer,
it is best that the printer is powered On.
2 Edit the [ /etc/bootptab ] file on the host. If this file does not
exist on your system, it must be created manually using an
ASCII file editor. Insert the following sequence in the
[ /etc/bootptab ] file:
Syntax (written on a single line; it will rarely be possible to
write the whole string on a single line, and you can usually
use backslash at the end of each line to indicate that the
definition continues)
<host name>: ht=<hardware type>: ha=<hardware
address>: hn: ip=<IP address>: sm=<subnet mask>:
gw=<gateway field>
ím00801e: ht=ether: ha=00c0a200801e: hn: \
ip= sm= gw=
3 Save the [ /etc/bootptab ] file.
On platforms other than OS/2, you may need to
reinitialize the BOOTP-server every time you make
changes to the [ /etc/bootptab ] file in order to be
sure the changes take immediate effect.
For the AIX platform, however, it is sufficient to
refresh the intetd subsystem. Syntax:
refresh -s inetd
4 Make sure the Intermate1xx is attached to the LAN and
power it on.
5 Connect and Login to the unit with a browser or Telnet
6 Choose [TCP/IP].