Intermate100 and Intermate101 Print Server Administration Manual 177
Standard Monitoring Information: Warnings and Error Messages
24.4. Warnings and Error Messages
Here are the kinds of warnings and error messages that can
appear, mostly in the System Log, but sometimes flashed real-
time and directly on the screen.
24.4.1. Messages requiring you to seek help from a point of
• “Unsafe adapter address detected (MAC). Probably not
set yet” This indicates a serous problem Contact your
point of purchase.
• License key messages:
• “No license key found for .... <option name>”
• “At least one logical printer is set up to use NDO. Sorry,
no license key found. Using LOCAL.”
• “System target set up to use NDO. Sorry, no license
key found. Using LOCAL.”
24.4.2. Messages about things you can fix yourself
• “Load Balancing Pool used. Found no valid targets in
• Target printer not ready yet, or invalid configured”
• “Failed to connect to target printer”
• “LPR target refused job”
• “Used a logical printer with no valid target
• When you are working with a configuration page and
type an invalid value in an input field, the configuration
page will be replaced with a page telling with the
following message:
“Error in input field '<parameter name>. Press the
Browser’s Back Button”
• You may also see information on forced value changes,
which may or may not require action on your part.