Intermate 100 Printer User Manual

Intermate100 and Intermate101 Print Server Administration Manual 177
Standard Monitoring Information: Warnings and Error Messages
24.4. Warnings and Error Messages
Here are the kinds of warnings and error messages that can
appear, mostly in the System Log, but sometimes flashed real-
time and directly on the screen.
24.4.1. Messages requiring you to seek help from a point of
“Unsafe adapter address detected (MAC). Probably not
set yet” This indicates a serous problem Contact your
point of purchase.
License key messages:
“No license key found for .... <option name>”
“At least one logical printer is set up to use NDO. Sorry,
no license key found. Using LOCAL.”
“System target set up to use NDO. Sorry, no license
key found. Using LOCAL.”
24.4.2. Messages about things you can fix yourself
“Load Balancing Pool used. Found no valid targets in
Target printer not ready yet, or invalid configured”
“Failed to connect to target printer”
“LPR target refused job”
“Used a logical printer with no valid target
When you are working with a configuration page and
type an invalid value in an input field, the configuration
page will be replaced with a page telling with the
following message:
“Error in input field '<parameter name>. Press the
Browser’s Back Button”
You may also see information on forced value changes,
which may or may not require action on your part.