Loading copy paper
C250P 5-29
Punching holes in prints (Punch settings)
In order for holes to be punched in the prints, all of the following condi-
tions must be met.
The paper width must be 8-1/2 inch or between 11 inch and 11-3/4 inch
(with the “2-Hole” punch setting).
The paper width must be between 11 inch and 11-3/4 inch (with the “3-
Hole” punch setting).
The paper length must be between 7-1/4 inch and 17 inch
The hole punch function is available only when optional finisher FS-603
and punch kit PK-501 are installed or when optional finisher FS-514 and
punch kit PK-510 are installed.
Paper Weight Paper Size
16 lb to 55-1/2 lb 11 × 17 w to 8-1/2 × 11 w/v