C250P 10-16
DPI (dpi) Abbreviation for Dots Per Inch. A resolution unit used by printers and
scanners. Indicates how many dots per inch are represented in an
image. The higher the value, the higher the resolution.
Driver Software that works as a bridge between a computer and a periph-
eral device.
Ethernet LAN transmission line standard
Frame Type Type of communication format used in a NetWare environment.
Communication is not possible if the same frame type is not used.
FTP Abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol. A protocol for transferring
files over the Internet or an intranet on the TCP/IP network.
Gateway Hardware and software used as the point where a network is con-
nected to a network. A gateway also changes data formats, ad-
dresses, and protocols according to the connected network.
Grayscale Monochrome image expressive form using the gradation information
from black to white
Hard Disk Large capacity storage device for storing data. The data can be
stored even if the power is turned off.
Host Name Displayed name of a device over a network
HTTP Abbreviation for HyperText Transfer Protocol. A protocol used to
send and receive data between a Web server and a client (Web
browser). Documents containing images, recordings, and video clips
can be exchanged with the expressive form information.
IEEE 1284 Abbreviation for Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 1284.
A parallel port standard that was developed for printers.
Install To install hardware, operating systems, applications, printer drivers
on to a computer
IPP Abbreviation for Internet Printing Protocol. A protocol that sends and
receives print data and controls printers over the Internet on a TCP/
IP network. Data can also be sent to printers in remote areas to print
over the Internet.
IPX A protocol used with NetWare and works at the network layer of the
OSI reference model
IPX/SPX Abbreviation for Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet
Exchange. A protocol developed by Novel, Inc. that is commonly
used under a NetWare environment.
IP Address A code (address) that is used to identify individual network devices
over the Internet. A maximum of three digits for four numbers are
displayed such as IP addresses are assigned to devic-
es, including computers, which are connected to the Internet.
LAN Abbreviation for Local Area Network. A network which connects
computers on the same floor, in the same building, or in neighboring
Local Printer A printer connected to a parallel or USB port of a computer
LPD Abbreviation for Line Printer Daemon. A printer protocol that uses
TCP/IP and is platform-independent. Originally developed for BSD
UNIX, it has become the standard printing protocol and can be used
with any general computer.
Term Definition