Scanning Functions
Selecting Color Scan Mode
The following color modes are available for scanning:
Press Send. The basic screen is displayed.
Press Scan Color Select.
Press S or T to select the mode and press Enter. The display shows Completed
and returns to the basic screen.
Press Start to start scanning.
Selecting the Original Quality for Scanning
The original quality mode is used to optimize scanning quality according to the type
of originals. This mode will be available when you have selected monochrome in the
color scan mode.
Press Send. The basic screen is displayed.
Press Original Quality.
Press S or T to select the mode required and press Enter. The display shows
Completed and returns to the basic screen.
Mode Description
Full Color The original will be scanned in full color. The
scanning exposure will be set to Manual.
Grayscale The shading of the original will be reproduced. The
scanning exposure will be set to Manual.
Monochrome The original will be scanned in monochrome. The
resulting file size for the scan data will be smaller
in comparison with the other color modes.
Mode Description
Text+Photo Select this mode when the original contains a
mixture of both text and photographs.
Photo Select this mode when the original mostly contains
photographs. To send photo images with a 200 dpi
resolution for smoother images, it is recommended
to use Full Color or Grayscale mode.
Text Select this when the original mostly contains text.
OCR This mode will be available when you select
monochrome in the Scan Color mode. Use this
mode if the image data is to be converted into text
using Optical Character Recognition software.