This refers to emulation of other manufacturers’ printers. The printer emulates
operation of the following printers: PCL6, Line printer, IBM Proprinter, DIABLO 630,
EPSON LQ-850 and KPDL.
Expansion Memory
This option is used to increase machine memory. The printer has one expansion slot,
and you can install a 64 MB, 128 MB, or 256 MB DIMM (Dual Inline Memory
Module). Contact your dealer to purchase the DIMM that is best suited for use with
this machine.
Face-up Tray
This is located at the rear of the machine. Select paper output to the face-up tray
when printing on postcards, envelopes, or labels.
Form Feed Timeout
During the time that data is being sent to the printer, periodic pauses or interruptions
may be generated. However, even if the data stream is interrupted, the printer can
normally handle the next data that is sent after a delay without making a page break
between the two blocks of data. Form Feed timeout is a function that waits only a
pre-determined amount of time before it executes just such an automatic page break.
After the waiting period begins, once the predetermined time is exceeded, the printer
will automatically process the currently received data and print it out. If there is no
further print data for the last page, the printer will end processing of that job.
FRPO (Firmware RePrOgram)
These are commands that reset the machine’s firmware. It is possible to use this to
return each of the settings that are applied when the power is turned on to this
machine back to its default value. (To temporarily change a setting, PRESCRIBE
commands should be used instead of FRPO commands.)
It is possible to reset a single value with each FRPO command. Current settings can
be verified by printing out a Status Page from this machine.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
A very common method of moving files between two Internet sites. FTP is a special
way to log in to another Internet site for the purpose of retrieving and/or sending files.
This is one method of describing monochrome color shades on a computer. It
expresses the shades of an image strictly in monochrome tones from white to black
without including color information. The number of levels of gray that is expressed is
indicated in bits. 1 bit refers solely to black and white with no intermediate shades,
while 8 bit (including black and white) indicates 256 levels of gray, and 16 bit
expresses 65536 levels of gray.
This is a standard established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
in 1994 for use when connecting a printer to a computer.