
Working with your Lemur
Try moving the ball now. It bounces off the “walls” and eventually slows
down. The Mass-Spring mode is something like Interpolation, except that the ball
has friction (or a lack of it), can bounce off of things, and in certain cases, the
ball may oscillate before coming to a complete rest. You can also control the speed
of the ball via the Speed parameter.
Physics parameters are nice to produce complex time-varying values
with little effort. We will see later in this chapter that we can obtain even more
enjoyable effects by controlling the Physics properties with other objects.
As another example we create a MultiSlider Object.
In the General Properties we enter 5 in the Slider field for having
– you guessed it – 5 sliders. Also, we drag the MultiSlider to a free spot on the
Interface and make it bigger so that we can interact easily with the individual
The default MultiSlider Object displays no physical behaviour. The sliders
simply follow your finger and stay where you leave them.