
The Lemur User Manual
Now change to the Behavior panel and activate the Physic
checkbox. Also, change the tension to 0.1 and the friction to 0. Now it’s a
completely different story. If you move the sliders they will continue to wiggle
forever. They behave as if they are connected with springs and oscillate around a
centre value that’s defined by the height parameter.
Again, we are only scratching the surface here. Please have a look at the
Object Reference for details about all Object Properties.
Let’s come back to our MultiBall Object. The Capture parameter on
the Behavior panel has great influence on the possible finger actions. When you are
inside of the Object’s boundaries the Capture mode doesn’t make any
difference. But if you move the ball and leave the borders of the Object, the control
of the ball will stop when Capture is off. If Capture is on, the ball will continue
being tied to your actions. No matter if you move your finger across other Objects
and even if you switch to a different Interface, the ball will still cling to your finger
and the finger has no effect on other Objects. Just experiment a bit with the two
modes and you will quickly get the hang of it.
The MultiBall Object is a complex critter. It also sports an ADSR+H
envelope for its brightness parameter that is accessible as a numerical value inside
its z parameter. You might be familiar with envelopes from using synthesizers.
They represent an easy way to produce defined parameter changes over time.
The MultiBall ADSR acts just like it’s cousins from the synthesis world.
When you touch the Lemur the brightness of the ball will be faded in
according to the Attack value, decay down to the sustain level and fade out
with the release time when you lift your finger from the surface.
Objects supporting ADSR envelopes (MultiBall and Pads for the time
being) also have a hold parameter. Its effect is similar to a sustain pedal, freezing
the object’s state as long as its value is 1. When set to 0, if has no effect. Interesting
effects can be achieved when setting the hold parameter to an expression
depending on other objects’ state. We’ll cover such methods later on.