Object Reference
Slider Number of sliders (1 to 64)
Color Drag the color bar to change the “thematic” color of the sliders. The foreground
uses a gradient based on this color, and the background is a darker version of
the color.
Light Can be a constant, a vector or any mathematical expression and controls the
luminosity of your Objects. -2 means black, +2 means white, and you get to
choose any decimal number in-between.
Behavior Properties
Capture If Capture is checked, an Object will only react to cursors that were created
inside its area. Even if the cursor later leaves the Object for another position, it
will remain in control of the original Object, until it is destroyed eventually. When
Capture is off, the old school way from previous versions is restored, meaning an
Object will react to whatever cursor is present at any moment in its area.
Physics If checked, the MultiSlider emulates the physics of an Object similar to a plucked
string anchored at the left and right sides of the array of sliders. Your fingers
“pluck” the string by lifting it up in one or more places. The values of the sliders
ramp up to meet your fingers and track them as they move. Lifting your finger(s)
from the surface releases the string, and its subsequent behavior is determined
by the Tension, Friction, and Height values.
Tension A value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the tension on a string. As tension
increases, the frequency of oscillation of the string increases. Increasing the
tension is something like turning the tuning peg of a guitar to raise the pitch of a
Friction A value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the damping on a string. As friction
increases, the damping on the oscillation increases. With large friction values,
the string returns to its resting position quickly. With smaller friction values, the
string may oscillate for a long time.
Height When Gravity mode is enabled, the height (0 to 1) is the value of the initial and
resting position of the string. When Gravity mode is not enabled, the height is the
initial value of the MultiSlider after it is initialized.
OSC Data
Lemur->Host The x variable is transmitted by the Lemur as a list of numbers representing the
height of each slider.
/ObjectName.x <slider-value-1> <slider-value-2> etc.
Host->Lemur The x variable can be received by the Lemur as a list of numbers representing
the height of each slider.
/ObjectName.x <slider-value-1> <slider-value-2> etc.
The friction, height, tension and light variables can also be received by
the MultiSlider.
/ObjectName.friction <value>
/ObjectName.height <value>
/ObjectName.tension <value>
/ObjectName.light <value>